Address unfair super concessions in the Budget: ACTU

The Abbott Government should get serious about the budget bottom line and address unfair tax expenditure that sees billions of dollars in superannuation tax concessions flow into the pockets of high income earners every year. ACTU President Ged Kearney said the Government’s selective use of facts ignore the critical and obvious point that unfair superannuation […]

Australians can’t swallow Mr Abbott’s bitter pill

Australians pay too much for their medicines and, depending on the drug, up to an astonishing 40 times more than New Zealanders. And yet this week the Abbott Government will be asking the Senate to approve the Government’s plan to make Australians pay even more when the National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Bill 2014 is […]

Report shows Govt can improve bottom line without unfair measures

New economic analysis shows the Government can improve the budget bottom line without introducing unfair budget measures that target vulnerable Australians and increase inequality. As the Parliament resumes this week to debate the Federal Budget, figures in the latest ACTU Economic Bulletin show Australia redistributes less income than the majority of OECD countries, which results […]

AMA and Hockey play ‘wedge politics’ with co-payment plans

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) together with the Doctors Reform Society (DRS) have called on the Abbott Government to abandon its $7 GP co-payment plan and reject the Australian Medical Association’s (AMA) alternative co-payment proposal. Both the NSWNMA and the DRS publicly criticised the AMA for its attempt to play politics with the […]

ANMF says ‘no deal’ on any co-payments

Australia’s largest health union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), says nurses and midwives won’t agree to any co-payments for GP visits or other services – our healthcare system is for everyone. ANMF Federal Secretary, Lee Thomas, said the Abbott Government has our nation poised on the edge of change to our health system […]

Thousands descend on Sydney CBD to protest the Budget

Central Sydney has filled with a sea of protesters for the Bust the Budget  march. From the Sydney Morning Herald. Organisers estimated up to 15,000 people joined the rally, which started at  Town Hall and proceeded along George Street and up Market Street. Police figures put the number of marchers at 6000. The protest was […]

Health Minister says no beds to close

NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner has reassured nurses and midwives the State Government would explore ways to absorb the Abbott Government’s public hospital funding cuts without closing hospital beds. The Minister made the commitment on Thursday 29 May during a meeting with Acting General Secretary of the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA), Judith Kiejda, […]

Horror budget beats up on the next generation

Unions fear the implications of last night’s budget will be felt for years to come, with young job seekers among those most significantly impacted. ACTU President Ged Kearney said, “The so-called budget for everyone will hurt some much more than others.” “By removing the safety net for young job seekers, the Abbott Government has effectively […]

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