A rise in GST rejected by public

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) says the Government is out of step with public opinion with the vast majority rejecting a GST hike to fund lower corporate taxes says the ACTU. Despite widespread concern about corporations in Australia not paying enough tax, the Coalition Government appears to want to decrease their tax obligations […]

Report shows tax avoidance by US multinationals costing Australia

A group of Australian public sector trade unions have welcomed a new report, released in Europe overnight, which highlights the need for governments around the globe to urgently address international corporate tax system loopholes. The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA), Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU), Community and Public Sector Union – State Public […]

No GST rise. Make corporations pay their fair share.

The Turnbull Liberal government appears to be playing the old ‘carrot and stick’ game with tax reform. On one hand, the government wants to give big corporations and wealth Aussies massive tax, while on the other hand they’re considering hiking the GST. This is yet another attack on hard working people and our living standards […]

ANMF says GST can’t be extended to health

The country’s largest union, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), says an increase in the GST must not be extended to include basic health services. ANMF Federal Secretary Lee Thomas said today reports the Turnbull Government is considering raising the GST from 10% to 15% and extending it to health, food and education, would […]

Nurses and midwives want no GST on health!

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has called on the Federal Government to rule out the possibility of extending the Goods and Services Tax (GST) to healthcare in Australia. This morning members of the NSWNMA gathered outside the Tax Reform Summit, underway at the InterContinental Sydney, to urge Ministers, Premiers, business leaders, economists, financial […]

Tax debate must be about fairness not profits

Unions welcome further discussion on tax reform but the focus must be on creating a more equitable system, not a bonanza for the wealthy. Change is urgently needed as the current system is unfair and skewed to benefit the wealthy. The Government would save billions of dollars every year by reducing superannuation concessions for high […]

NSWNMA slams GST rise proposal

The NSW Nurses & Midwives Association (NSWNMA) has slammed renewed calls from sections of the Liberal Party for an increased GST rate as inequitable and a typical conservative approach to public financial management. The NSWNMA also said ACT Labor leader, Katy Gallagher, should not let herself be sucked into this renewed conservative attack on low […]

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