Urgent re-think needed on families in detention policy

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has expressed its concerns about the future of baby Asha and her family and is calling on both the Turnbull Government and the Opposition to urgently reverse the inhumane policy of keeping children and their families in indefinite detention. Despite baby Asha being discharged from hospital into community […]

PM must show some compassion for baby Asha

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) is standing in solidarity with nurses, doctors and medical staff at the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital in Brisbane who are steadfastly refusing to allow baby Asha to be discharged and returned to Nauru. Condemning the Federal Government’s treatment of asylum seekers in off-shore detention centres, ANMF Federal Secretary […]

Serious concern about secrecy provisions in Border Force Act 2015

Australia’s key professional nursing and midwifery bodies are expressing their serious concern about the secrecy provisions in the Australian Border Force Act 2015. The Act threatens jail for up to two years for health care professionals who disclose information that is deemed ‘protected information’ under the Act. ‘Protected information’ is all information health care professionals […]

Peak health groups call for children to be released from immigration detention

Australia’s peak health professional bodies have joined together to call on the Government to immediately release all children and their families from immigration detention in Australia and Nauru. Our organisations represent a wide range of health professionals who have seen, first-hand, the devastating impact of detention on the health and wellbeing of children and their […]

Welcome refugees rally 19 April

The Welcome Refugees rally will be on Sunday 19 April, at 1pm in Belmore Park, Sydney (near Central). This rally will not be on Palm Sunday as usual, as that date fell the day after the NSW state election this year, so we decided to hold this rally in April. The last year has seen […]

Nurses concerned by cut to Immigration Health Advisory Group

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) has expressed grave concerns on learning that the federal Government has disbanded the Immigration Health Advisory Group (IHAG). ACN believes that the Government requires the independent and expert advice of this group to address the health needs of asylum seekers, immigration detainees and newly settled humanitarian entrants. Adjunct Professor […]

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