First State Super to sponsor 2015 Short Story & Poetry Competition

First State Super has announced it will sponsor the 2015 Nurses & Midwives Short Story & Poetry Competition, following the success of the inaugural competition this year. At NSWNMA’s recent Annual Conference,  the winners of the Inaugural  Nurses & Midwives Short Story and Poetry Competition 2014 were recognised and presented with certificates. The winning story […]

Student nurse wins inaugural writing competition

A group of talented nurses and midwives have put pen to paper demonstrating their compassion for patients, resolve in the workplace and general creative flair, as part of an inaugural statewide NSWNMA short story and poetry competition. Arch Sirodom, a student nurse from Lewisham, captured the attention of the judges with his short story, Her […]

All in a community nursing day

A glimpse of nursing through community eyes A few of you may be in for a surprise Each day we drive far and wide Using a map as our guide Visit homes of every shape, colour and size   Today we will all have six hours on the road Everyone raises complaint about the load […]


Beautiful Geordie woman, “da killed in the mines”, she was “one of thirteen”,”dripping on bread, sometimes just dripping because they didna have the bread”. Those Geordies were made tough. I loved palliative care nursing and the stories the patients and families shared with me. She and I would muse together that if she had never […]


I wrote the following poem when I was a new RN about 25 years ago, from the point of view of a male resident in a nursing home who didn’t want to be there but had no choice. With one RN per shift the major part of my day was spent dispensing pills, and observing […]


The move to Australia had been the most challenging time of my life so far. Along with my Husband and three children we nervously boarded the plane. I had only held my qualification as a Registered Nurse for nine short months and I seriously wondered if the decision to take the position so far away […]


Echo of my footsteps on the hallow concrete floors My pace quickens as my mind concentrates on the threads of the tasks ahead Surround by strength of steel embedded by concrete: smooth, cold to touch Finished with vinyl, glass, paint So large in the landscape Its reflection dull in the light Within it innate posture […]

‘Twas A Night In Emergency

‘Twas a night in emergency, when all through the ward Not a patient was stirring, not even Miss Maude; The fluids were hung by the patients with care, In hopes that St. Discharge soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds; While visions of nebulisers danced in their heads; And […]

Trauma in the OT

Our shift begins The telephone rings As mayhem looms A trauma comes An MVA or bullet wounds A cyclist bumped by teenage hoons Another king hit in The Cross A family close by, at a loss. The hero Ambos do their stuff Resuscitate with little fuss Assess and treat, and cannulate Preserving life they intubate […]

Those were the days …

It’s interesting how a bit of historical reflection – that’s new-speak for reminiscing – can make you realise that life isn’t so bad after all. Quite often one hears how “this wouldn’t have happened years ago…” or “things were better back when I was a student nurse…” or “PACE (MET) criteria charts take away a […]

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