Union Summer for students 2016

Applications are now open for the Unions NSW Union Summer 2016 Internship Program. Union Summer is a three-week program run by Unions NSW in conjunction with participating unions. The program will run from 1–19 February 2016. Successful applicants are placed with a union and gain first-hand experience of how unions work. Nursing and midwifery students, here […]

Union Summer interns 2015

Applications are now open for the Union Summer Internship, 2015, run by Unions NSW. Union Summer runs for three weeks from Monday 2 February – Friday 20 February 2015. Successful interns are placed with a trade union for three weeks and provided with training and a diverse experience of what it is like to work […]

Graduate nurses chained to HECS fees for life

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has called on MPs and Senators to reject the Abbott Government’s proposed deregulation of university fees amid concerns the cost of a nursing degree will skyrocket up to $100,000. With universities able to set their own course fees, ANMF Assistant Federal Secretary, Annie Butler warned that nursing and […]

Union Summer 2014 intern program open now

Applications are open for the 2014 Union Summer Internship program. Union Summer is a three-week program run by Unions NSW, in which interns are placed within a union relevant to their line of work, to experience and understand how a union works. If successful as a nursing intern, you will receive training and spend time […]

Registration fee cut for students

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (National Board) has cut the application fee for final-year students to $20, saving new graduates $140. The fee cut will take effect on 16 October 2013. Any graduating student of a Board-approved program of study that leads to registration as a nurse or midwife (excluding a bridging program […]

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