Mr Abbott there’s no need for health cuts

New figures revealing the lowest growth in Australia’s health spending in 30 years show why the Abbott Government must stop its savage cuts to the national health budget and abandon plans to introduce co-payments for basic health services, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) said today. According to the Australian Institute of Health and […]

Hands off Medicare, Mr Abbott

Save Medicare Sydney has teamed up with the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) and other union groups to call on Prime Minister Tony Abbott to immediately abandon his GP co-payment plan and support the continuation of universal healthcare in Australia. With a vote on the GP co-payment expected in the Parliament within weeks, a […]

Graduate nurses chained to HECS fees for life

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has called on MPs and Senators to reject the Abbott Government’s proposed deregulation of university fees amid concerns the cost of a nursing degree will skyrocket up to $100,000. With universities able to set their own course fees, ANMF Assistant Federal Secretary, Annie Butler warned that nursing and […]

Lies, cuts and broken promises

Australia is facing a healthcare emergency. The Abbott Government’s cuts to health have begun. From today, the Government begins its systematic slashing of more than $50 billion of health funding to the States and Territories. The Government will then ask the Senate to demolish Medicare by introducing a range of new costs for basic health […]

Bust the Budget rally and petition

*Take our Budget poll* Show your support for Medicare and against the huge increases in university fees, as well as cruel cuts to pensions – the list goes on of horrors from the 2014 Federal Budget. Sign the Bust the Budget petition and come along to the rally on Sunday July 6, 1pm at Sydney Town Hall. Transport […]

Cruel Federal Budget and savage cuts to minimum wage target lowpaid

The Abbott Government is engaging in a sustained attack on Australia’s lowest paid workers which will see their living standards crushed. Speaking at a rally in Adelaide today, ACTU President Ged Kearney said that combined with the cruel and unfair Federal budget that disproportionately affects low income earners, the Abbott Government is also considering a […]

PM inflicts pain, putting state’s health at risk

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) has condemned the Abbott Government’s first Budget as an attack on the state’s health system with long-lasting side effects, ahead of the federal opposition’s Budget in Reply later today. General Secretary of the NSWNMA, Brett Holmes, said Tony Abbott’s decision to introduce a $7 mandatory co-payment for GP […]

Abbott’s attack on our way of life

It is this simple – last night’s budget is a savage assault to the heart of the Australian way of life. It is government delivering for their big business mates by make life harder for working people. The fight back starts now and we need you to play a central part. Australian Unions are hitting the airways […]

Federal Budget an investment in climate and health damage

The first federal budget from the Abbott government has failed to set a course for a healthy prosperous and sustainable future, the Climate and Health Alliance (CAHA) said today. While the federal Treasurer Joe Hockey has claimed all Australians have to do some ‘heavy lifting’ to get the budget back into surplus, CAHA is alarmed […]

ANMF warns: Cuts to health won’t heal

Co-payments to visit bulk billing GPs and an increase in the price of prescription medicines will combine to have a devastating impact on Australia’s healthcare system now and into the future, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has warned. ANMF Acting Federal Secretary, Annie Butler, said the Prime Minister had broken his election promise […]

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